Sunday, October 30, 2011

Alpaca Sunday!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Motley Monday

A simple day today, but I did get some things done that were on my to do list. Apparently the only way I will get them done is if I don't actually make the list, but rather pretend it is serendipity that makes me end up at the ATM or in the parking lot at Target.

No knitting to speak of, but I managed to deposit money in the bank to pay for my autumn soap order, buy a new trash can (and bags!), and even redeem my coupon for free eggs, which just happened to expire today. I even picked up a new cheese grater / slicer, which has been on my kitchen equipment list for a couple of years now.

Time now for a little laundry, a little World of Warcraft and maybe a few quality minutes with my drop spindle. At some point I do want to finish my Tour de Fleece project and start spinning up the fiber I acquired at Lambtown!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Alpaca Sunday!

I just want to snuggle the heck out of them.

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Lambtown Lovliness

I am posting to you from Dixon, CA, home of the Lambtown festival! I skipped the last two years, but was back this year to soak up all the sheepy goodness. MMMM lambs.... I brought my camera - and took pictures - but forgot my camera to laptop cord. Oops.

We arrived about 9:30 and I managed to bolt from my beleaugered friend Anne within 5 minutes. I just had to run in and see my peeps! I saw Sheri and Gabrielle and did a little catching up. Gabrielle is trying to talk me into buying a French Angora... must... resist...

oooh sleepy me. We spent the day at the fairgrounds from 9:30 to 6:30 or so and then walked a corn maze from about 6:45 to 8. I am pooped!

To Be Continued.