Had a really great day today.
I finshed "Old Man's War" already, it was a fast, fun read. There were a few iffy sections of man-splaining but mostly it was satisfying. I wasn't too sure about the premise, but the author fleshed out an interesting story with believable details. I think I will order the sequels from the library.
Next on the agenda was visiting the Yarnover Truck and smooshing all the beautiful yarns. It's never come this close to my town before and it was parked literally right down the street. I made sure I did my part to support small business.
A friend came out from LA to visit (and pat yarn) and we had a great burger lunch and then an acceptable beer tasting at The Packinghouse. It wasn't as good as Wickes on the other side of town, but it was close. They will be the beer purveyors at The Dickens Festival in two weeks, what a small world.
A box of yarn and fiber joined my stash; an acquaintence was getting rid of all her craft stuff and a ton of books. It should keep me busy well into next year. I am not one to look the gift of free wool in the mouth, and anyway, there will be plenty of leftovers to share with the No Idles.
Last stop of the day was a gaming date; my WoW mojo has been missing lately but playing with someone else is really fun. I need to either whip my guild into shape or go shopping for a chattier one.
Now it is bedtime... and by the way the little cockatiel chicks are still doing well.
10 hours ago