Fiber = Freedom.
It sounds so much better than (and carries none of the bad bad bad connotations of) Arbeit Macht Frei, but it is the same principal: if I work hard at my fiber and soap tasks, get the word out, have product avaliable, and spin spin spin, I can quit this lousy job and maybe be happy in the World of Woolcraft.
Boy I hope I don't get sued for that.
Anyway, with a little planning and a lot of work, I really think I can make this happen. I may have to quit school for a while - or go down to one day a week - in order to have the time. There are many ideas churning in my little brain.
Fibery updates:
Sorry there are no pictures - although I have located more batteries for the camera. They are nowhere near the camera, but it is still progress.
The first Delft sock is done - finished in math class last night. I began its mate and am halfway done with the toe. There was a minor incident where I knitted one of the wraps at the wrong time.
The sock yarn (Tide Pool) is nearly done. Unfortunately, it is the same amount of nearly done as it was last week.
The Peppermint socks are still coming along - I have almost finished the first row of rectangles. It is very fiddly knitting. I think they will be cute when they are done. And if they are not, I will wear them anyway after all this work! Or maybe frame them. Or submit them to the Smithsonian.
The Riverspinners schedule is filling out nicely: March at Denise's farm, April at the Huntington Museum and Gardens, and May in Riverside, learning Tunisian Crochet. June is open, and then July is the pool party and flax spinning. Come learn more and /or join our Yahoo group at "Riverspinners", or email me for an invitation. Website soon to be at
Non Fibery Updates:
I am reading "The Worst Hard Time" right now. It is about the people who (made and) lived in the Dust Bowl of the '30's. Fascinating and sad, extremely well written and engaging.
Yoga is coming along well (except for the 6:30 am sessions - I just can't manage it). I even practiced Ashtanga yesterday morning with the birds (literally - Kiwi was so funny when she hung on upside down during forward bends). I also had a Thai massage this week. It was wierd at first but I really liked it. Email me (if you are local) and I will refer you to Julie.
I went to Trader Joe's Sunday and bought a half dozen different beers (one each) for some sampling. Last night was Oranjeboom night (from Holland). A little too hoppy for my taste, with and unusual bite. Tonight will be Black Toad if I get home early enough. I have 2 new Netflix to watch so it may be a late evening. My crush on Stephen Fry continues with "Cold Comfort Farm" and I also have "Tidelands" directed by Terry Gilliam (of Monty Python fame), which is supposed to be very wierd and disturbing. Might save that for the weekend.
18 hours ago
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