Wow, time really got away from me. After Dozer passed away I then lost the African Grey parrot (Stormy) to a seizure and the next week one of the parakeets died (Skye). What a crappy month.
Right now everyone is hale. The indian ringneck (Kiwi) has been moved out to the computer desk & the play cage and I am trying to stuff her with food as she is thinner than I would like. It is fun to visit with her, although I miss Stormy calling me "HEY! Girl! HEY!" all the time. I also moved Wavey the parakeet in with Opal the parakeet and they seem to have come to a room mate agreement. It is too early to say if they like each other, but the nitpicking has lessened.
This year I read some books, knit some things and played some World of Warcraft. I went to gardening every week I was supposed to. I watched some movies, took an online class and adopted a dog that was pound-bound.
Next year? Maybe finally apply for a new job, maybe go back to making soap, maybe get serious about honing my German language skills, maybe knit some things, read some books & play some more WoW. Walk the dog more and do the dishes more as well.
And blog more.
The state of things (34 days)
4 weeks ago