Monday, December 29, 2014

Finishing Up Right

Very unusual events in the Picky household the last few days: an irresistible urge to clean and to finish projects.  I approve, but it is very strange.  Perhaps the last year of UnFucking my Habitat has started to cement good habits at last.  Things aren't perfect but progress is being made.  Mount Laundry, for example, is a thing of the past.

Year end bonus time came at work and has been a boon.  Gifts were given, party was attended, groceries & cat food were stocked, reading material for the winter acquired and there may have been a yarn incident.  Going "cold sheep" next year for sure.

Things are mostly calm and happy and I like it a lot.  Any resolutions for 2015?  A couple in the planning stages:

  • sell more soap
  • weave the Fuzzy blanket for Martha
  • go "cold sheep" (no yarn or fiber purchases)
Low expectations keep me a happy camper.

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