Saturday, March 05, 2011

Stocked Up

Well... I had a bad night after I looked at my direct deposit, then at my budget spreadsheet, then back, then back again... you get the idea. It is going to be another skimpy month.

However, I have:
  • paid the rent
  • put gas in the car
  • bought pet food
  • bought groceries

in that order, and am feeling a little better. I moved over every last penny from savings, and I will still need gas money for next week, but I don't feel like bursting into tears every moment now. I am thinking about putting all the groceries on dart board and playing mix & match meals for the next two weeks :)

Things should start to get sunnier if it stays busy at work and we get some overtime. And if gas goes back down under $3.90 / gal. For a woman who drives 250 miles / week or more, that adds up fast, no matter how conservatively I drive.

I have all day Sunday and Monday to relax and do some weeding in the garden. I am thinking of taking my $4 in cash and buying a tomato and a 6 pack of strawberries for the garden tomorrow at the nursery. Let's hear it for home grown food!


Tinker said...

Hey Lisa:
come to knitting at Kraemers. Diane brings fresh eggs from her chickens. Have you seen the "treasure box" on the comput.? Look it over. I bought one and it was well worth it, might save you some $'s
Pat V

Pickyknitter said...

Oh holy cow, I totally forgot about knit night tonight. I will set a reminder on my calendar for next week for sure!