Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Knit One, Walk Two

Tried to get some knitting done today while I was at the laundromat, but found a significant error in the lace about 2-3 rows back and packed it up for the morning. I was not in a good state of mind for lace surgery and didn't have any tools to aid the job.  I pulled out a crocheted doily-in-progress and made a few chains on that before the was was done and it was time to head home. 

Walked the dog twice today; a quick jaunt around the block this morning and then a two mile trip to the next big street and back. The evening was balmy with just a hint of a breeze and we had a nice journey. This is the 7th day in a row of walks (every day since I put Sunny to sleep) and they just keep getting better and easier.  My goal is to work up to at least 2 miles twice a day. So far I don't begrudge the time at all, and we will get faster as we get fitter.

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